Friday, September 5, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Yeah, you wish.

When Balloons Attack!

My first and last political post

I've decided I'm no longer going to watch the cable news networks. It's just too depressing. All these "talking heads" do is snipe at each other.

Here's the thing...people disagree. And that's OK. Just because person A doesn't agree with person B does not make person A the anti-christ. But if person A is on CNN and person B is on Fox News (or MSNBC...take your pick)...whoah to person A for having different beliefs from person B!

Just report on the issues guys. What does Obama stand for on issue 1? What does McCain stand for on issue 2?

Look, as far as the candidates go, I think all 4 people are basically smart, decent people. What it's going to come down to for me is what issues are most important to me...what do I believe in. What issues, when they come up, hit me in my gut. Is it gun control? Abortion? The Economy? Foreign Policy? I have specific opinions on these topics and will vote for the candidate who I feel will support what's important to me.

Does that make me a bad person? No. Does that make the people who have different opinions from me on these issues bad people? OF COURSE NOT!

I really wish the US AGAINST THEM mentality would go away. One person is going to win this election. That doesn't mean the other side can't then debate or veto or vote for what's important to them.

In the end, to get anything done, compromise and civility have to take place. The majority of the media...who like to label EVERYTHING...don't seem to realize that. They seem to actively fight against it. In other words, they like to stir up shit for the sake of seeing it fly.

Realistically, I don't think things will change.

But just remember...while you're thinking the other side is EVIL, they're thinking you're EVIL...but the truth is neither one of you is just disagree.

And that's OK!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008