Friday, October 26, 2007

Who's the nerd now?

I just got Wil Wheaton's new book The Happiest Days of Our Lives (which is great, funny, and very entertaining btw). One of the chapters in the book is about how when he was a young boy,he took a trip to K-Mart and tried to decide which Star Wars toy to buy. After reading about his internal struggle over whether to save his money for the Millennium Falcon or to buy an action figure immediately for the sweet thrill of instant gratification (oh sweet, sweet instant gratification - itunes satisfies me too much in that department), it got me thinking of my brother's old Star Wars toys.

My younger brother was born in 1980 and I in 1976. While I was happy with my Barbies, he was happy with his Star Wars and He-Man action figures (he was also happy cutting, burning, drawing on, and generally mutilating my Barbies). He was only 3 when Return of the Jedi came out, so most of his toys were from that film but he had a few older Star Wars toys as well.

-I remember how even at 7 years old how I knew that A New Hope Han Solo's head looked nothing like Harrison Ford.
-I remember how the brown paint on Bousch (sp? whatever...not gonna look up the spelling) Leia's head had a rubbed out spot on the back.
-I remember the flimsy poncho on Endor Rebel Leia and how her helmet would never stay on.
-I remember my brother's Ewok village playset, Jabba's Palace and Jabba's creepy little....ummm, monkey?
-I remember his Darth Vader carrying case and how when you turned R2D2's head
a little antenna would pop-up.
-I remember Squid Guy, Skiff Guard Lando, and the cracking sound when you opened the X-Wing Fighter's wings by hand (I think you were really supposed to push R2's head but that detail is kind of fuzzy).

-I remember one of my Barbies had a red, satin dress.

Which list is longer?

My brother was the one who had a Darth Vader cake for his third birthday. My brother is the one who dressed up as Darth Vader (using Dad's black gardening gloves, a vampire cape, and a store bought Vader mask) for a couple of Halloweens.

But who has the re-release poster of A New Hope up in her apartment now? Who has the mini-lightsabers from Master Replica? Who freaked when her cat knocked over her "Leia as Boushh" (fine...I looked it up, happy?) bust? And who glued that statue back together?

And who called her father tonight and asked if he still had her brother's old Star Wars toys in the closet?

Well, I'll give you a wasn't my sister ;-)

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